Slow Down | How Self Reflection Helps You Develop Into Your True Boundless Being Self | What Am I Doing Here?

I mean but what I’m saying is is that I’m on my own journey. Along this walk there’s differences in things, peoples, and places. Different circumstances make people how they are. And world needs people who are able to embrace their shortcomings, setbacks, adversities to help people heal. In some way express love, forgiveness, and how God has provided, protected and pulled you through. Because God created everything and everything is His.

Now, you can’t expect everyone to comprehend or embrace the being your best self life approach. Everyone’s not going to be humble, everyone’s not going to like you, people will still be in low vibrational energy, envy and greed. But what’s important is that you seek God’s love and let that fill you up. God will place good people in your life, a nice home, good family. Nurture and tend to that. Be grateful. And here’s Satan and his minions walking to and fro seeking whom it can devour, to try and knock you off course, get you riled up, distract you. This happens. And when people are on that ad don’t have your best interest or an interest or respect for your growth at all, itsok to be selfish because that’s dead weight. Get away from those people that environment for the good of your own heart space.

You can’t fix everybody. Lend a helping hand if and when you can. But don’t allow ppl to continuously abuse your presence, your kindness, or generosity. In the book of Psalms in the 138 chapter in reminds us that God is full of love and compassion. God is merciful and ready to forgive. Life gets confusing. You’re ready for a change right NOW. This is ticking you off so you blow money on getting high, or sex or some vice. You don’t feel like meditating, reading, or doing that self reflection. But it’s vital.

So while you’re giving time, money and energy to everything else, take a second to figure out how you feel, angry scared, frustrated, calm, and appreciate that. No one’s rushing you. Embrace the process. Because things are ever evolving.